
Wednesday 11 March 2009

Just as a thought! There’s footnotes, you know …

Boy, this is going to be a long one!

To begin with, all of the resident’s have had the official letter about the meeting that’s being organised about the parking: – the meeting is scheduled for the 15th of April, and everybody gets the chance to vote for which times the most convenient.   Dave’s bless, offered to hand mine in, bless him!

I’m hoping John from the Tom & Jerry’s, and Nan, former landlady of the Sir Charles Napier, have done something similar.

They both live down my street …

But, anyway, here’s the text of the letter Southern Anglian sent to every body; –

South Anglia Housing is aware of the on-going problem of non-residents parking in residents parking bays. In an attempt to prevent this we have 

• Put up 'residents only parking' signs 

• Spoken to members of the public and reminded them politely they should not be parking there 

The problem continues, therefore South Anglia now has to look at different solutions to resolve this problem. 

We are proposing to hold a residents meeting to discuss this issue so that residents views/wishes can be taken into account when deciding the way forward. 

We have provisionally set aside the following dates/time to meet with residents and would like you to indicate which date/time is most convenient for you to meet with us. 

A meeting will then be arranged for the date the majority of residents choose and we will write to you to confirm this. We have enclosed a reply sheet and a stamp address envelope for your response. We would ask that you return this reply sheet by 13 March 2009. 

The meeting will be attended by a representative from the Leasehold Department, who manage the owner occupied units in Rollanson Way and a representative from the Neighbourhood Department, who manage the rented units on site. Local councilors have also been invited to the meeting. 

If you wish to discuss the contents of this letter please contact either Natalie Caesar (Leasehold Department) on telephone number 01279714725 or Ade Gbadamosi/Sara Bartleman (Neighborhood Team) on 01268220837/01268220840. 

Yours sincerely 

Let’s move on, though, shall we?

Yes, let’s!

One thing I did do, on Sunday, was take a quick snap of some of the poster’s for the upcoming flicks at the Empire, in Basildon.

I didn’t manage to get a quick shot of the upcoming “Star Trek” film, but that does look like fun.

Although one thing that does mildly concern me; – the number of remakes doing the rounds.

Or ‘Re – Imaginings’, as Tim Burton said about his version of “Planet of the Apes”, a few years ago.

Which was a competent and entertaining film, but not a patch on the original flick; – even though it’s a little closer to the original book, Pierre Boulle’s “Monkey World”.   At least, that’s my thinking.

Economic times, I’d imagine, though; – at least this way, Hollywood can guarantee itself a bit of a buzz about a remaking a classic, with modern special effects budgets.   And, as I’m an armchair “Star Trek” fan, that’s looks good, although heaven alone knows what it’ll do to the continuity!

I’m not going to complain about the remake of Wes Craven’s “Last House on the Left”.   I’ve not seen the original, so this, to me, will be a ‘new’ movie, much like the remake of “The Hills Have Eyes”.   I can’t speak about the original version of “Last House…”, but the remake of “The Hills Have Eyes” was a genuinely riveting film, although not for the faint hearted.

And both it, “Star Trek”, and “Bronson”*ª look like they’ll end up getting a Movie night mentionº, at some point … 

Adrian … ?

Have a look at the trailer, would you?

* It look’s like it’s starring Tom Hardy in the title role, and from the look of the trailer …

ª You may wish to have a look at the news page, here, by the way.   Seems Charlie Bronson managed to sneak out a voice recording of himself that got played at the premiere of the film about his life.   I’ve got to give the guy ten out of ten for gall.   But admit to being mildly worried that he wants out; – understandable, having been in prison for so long.   But he does has a reputation …

º But ANYTHING by Disney with “Witch Mountain” in the title won’t.   It just won’t.   I’m serious, here.   Adrian, get the look OFF the face!

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