
Monday 9 March 2009

Who Watches The Watchmen … ?

9th March, 2009

Well, I was, tonight, along with my two kid sisters, Anna and Ruth.

I’ve got to say “Thank You”, there, by the way; – that was me birthday treat, for this year.

And I’ll admit to being impressed … Ish.

Now, as my long term readers may have gathered, I’m usually red hot about hot movie adaptations of novels – graphic or otherwise – being as close as possible to the source material, whilst making the – hopefully minimal – changes and cuts needed to make a workable film.

In one sense, I think Zack Snyder’s take on Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s text succeeded; – what’s on screen is justified by what’s in the original source material.

Including the changed ending.

Although that isn’t what’s in the original graphic novel, it does match “Who Watches The Watchmen” in intent; unlike Ridley Scott’s film version of the Thomas Harris novel, Hannibal.

Or that’s my thinking, anyway.

I do know any really radical changes would have caused an absolute uproar.

But it’s also where “Watchmen” does suffer a bit; – Mr Snyder’s a fan of the original graphic novel and made a very commendable effort to get as much on screen as possible.

Which means it does drag, a bit.

Hence the ‘impressed-ish’ comment I opened with.

But fans won’t be disappointed, I think, particularly with the very strong ensemble cast: Jackie Earle Haley’s performance as Rorschach stood out.

It’s not a match for the late Heath Ledger as the Joker, in Dark Knight.

But it did catch my attention.

And a bloody good performance.

It’s just a shame that there isn’t an Oscar available for best Ensemble cast, though; – this, I think, would deserve a nomination.

I don’t think it would get it; – genre movies generally don’t.

But it’d be nice to see it happen.   I’m just happy the Peter Jackson cut of “The Lord of The Rings” was rather blessed, in that regard.   Saying that, the Tolkien books have been around for just shy of six decades.   That, along with Jackson’s superb work in making the films, gives the  “Lord of the Rings” series a lot of respectability.

Back to the “Watchmen”, though.

Let’s mention the soundtrack, shall we?   Briefly?   Because it’s absolute rock solid stuff.

Which is what caught me about the opening titles, I’ll admit; – a scene-setting, potted history of the Watchmen universes history, set to Bob Dylan’s The Times, They Are A Changin’.

Actually, I think Bob Dylan’ll earn a bob or two, from it; – they used  the Hendrix version of All Along The Watchtower, as as well.   As Dylan wrote it …

Talking of timing, by the way, Zack Snyder must’ve seen “Apocalypse Now”; – there’s a very well timed use of Ride of the Valkryries.   I don’t think Francis Ford Coppola had Doctor Manhattan in mind, but …

But, anyway …

I’m pleased to have seen Watchmen.

I am.

It’s a tough job, turning such a complex graphic novel into a film.   Snyder’s done a workmanlike job of it, though.   It could’ve been better paced, I think, but that’s countered by the simple fact that what’s on screen is justifiable by what’s in the book.   It’s a very dark, murky graphic novel, turned into an equally dark, murky film.   One that won’t necessarily appeal to to your average 18 year goth kid, I think.   Plenty of them, there, last night …

And it won’t be for the squeamish, I think — if anything, the movie’s* a touch more graphic than the graphic novel — but it’s a good, dark, complicated flick, that you’ve got to concentrate on, to keep up with.   Read the book, on this one, folks; – you will need it.

* The sequence with Rorscharch in gaol are somewhat more over the top than the original.   And while both the film and the book aren’t exactly lovefestª’s, they both make the link between costumes and bonking perfectly clear.   You’ve got to wonder about Alan Moore’s lovelife, sometimes …

ª And both Anna and Ruth agreed a certain blue person had treated a certain other character rather badly.   Anna’s word’s?  “Well, he could’ve put a ring on her finger …!”.   I swear, she’s starting to sound more like Gran, every day …


  1. Cool...I dunno I heard it was stupid from my brothers, but I'd have to watch it I guess...

  2. Jacob, trust me you’ve got to see it. “Watchmen” is not about supermen.

    It’s about people.


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