
Saturday 25 April 2009

The Great Rollason Way Parking Saga …


The Rollason Way Parking Saga Continues …

I’ve just had a quick email from Dave and a link Councillor Chilvers, which I thought I’d  best put up here.

But, here, here’s Dave’s mail.

thanks Paul
  I was aware about St james road changes as it was in the Gazette as of wed 22/04/09 at the back....
if you have not got the minutes of the last residents estate meeting that you could not attend they are on their way we got ours today.... 
So when you get yours have a read as two of the options won’t have any effect to any of us as the council will be putting up signs as circle anglia have done already and this has no effect on illegal parkers........ 
The next Residents meeting is going to be 02/07/09 at 7pm bowls club Plenty of notice for you Paul..... also Sara has given dates of estate walkabouts prior to the next meeting should you want to meet her and chat about other issues.......   

And finally Paul the road is not yet adopted as yet but we have actually won the right to have a full residents consultation over what we would all like in Rollason way ! ie weatrher it be yellow lines or residents parking zones to bring us inline with the other roads in the area etc.... .  but if residents parking is voted for it with mean that only residents of Rollason way will be able to use the service at a small charge from the council.....
    See you at the next meeting ....... Dave

And here’s the link to Councillor Chilver’s post.

Hmmm … I’m not sure that I quite like the idea of a charge.   I was hoping there’d be a rent reduction for anyone of us residents not using a parking space …

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