
Friday 29 May 2009

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Always Remember Where You’re Towel Is …

You know, it occurs that, given it was Towel Day, on Monday, I really should’ve watch “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”, I really should …

But I do have it playing in the background …

Now I grew up on the TV series, as you probably guessed. But I was rather impressed with the movie version.

If nothing else, the effects budget was considerably bigger.

The plot was pretty much the same, though; unsurprisingly, really, as the film’s script was the last thing Douglas Adams work on, before his untimely death.

And I always thought it worked better on-screen, than on the pages of a novel.

But I digress.

The film version of “The Hitchhikers Guide” is a good addition to the franchise. And, budget aside, the strong point, for me, is the strength of the performances from the cast, it really was.

Two in particular stood out for me.

Martin Freeman was good as Arthur, as was Zooey Deschanel as Trillian. Alan Rickman and Warwick Davies as Marvin were good. Not as good as Stephen Moore, the original Marvin, but pretty good.

But the stand-outs?

Well, for starters, Sam Rockwell as Zaphod!

And my God!

He was bang on perfect!

Not to put down Mark Wing-Davey, the original Zaphod Beeblebrox, but my word, it’s handy having a real American accent being used for the role! And I can’t help but wonder if Rockwell was basing his version on Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush. But I suppose we’ll never know!

But, for me, the real stand-out was Mos Def, as Ford Prefect.

Now I’d seen him presenting a few award shows, around the time that his casting as Ford had been announced. Rapper that he is, Mos blinged it up quite a bit, acting the gangsta.

That’s understandable, but it did have me a touch worried.

Then I actually saw the film.

And got a pleasant surprise, when I saw Mos, as Ford, scootering down to rescue Arthur.

On a shopping trolley.

From there, the film proceeds exactly as I — and many other fans — expected. With Mos Def being — for me — the reason I kept watching it!

At any rate, the movie version of “The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy” is worth watching.

Just for that!


  1. The Radio (Wireless) was the best series.


  2. Grew up with the TV version, meself, Trevor; but I’m glad to have heard it!


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