
Thursday 21 May 2009

Before I go …

Before I go to work, that is!

Typically, I’d totally forgotten I’d got a 6 O’clock start tonight; happily, Adrian and the gang were ok about shifting.

But I thought I let you know that — in between all the bits and bobs I’ve had on, this week — while I’ve not managed to update the Tunnel’s and Trolls script I’ve been periodically working on, I have managed to find a couple of helpful scripts I can modify, courtesy of MacScripter and Softpedia.   I’d also like to thank plistOFF, over at Twitter for his help.

But here‘s the script I’m referring to …

tell application "TextEdit"


close every document saving no

make new document at the beginning of documents

set the name of window 1 to "Font Samples"

set zoomed of the front window to true

set the text of the front document to ¬

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

tell the text of the front document

set the font to "Lucinda Grande"

set the size to 24

end tell

end tell

I’m thinking I can modify this to open a pre-prepared character sheet, print it off, and — as I’ve not yet worked how to export text from Script Editor to TextEdit — tell a listener to feel free to grab a pencil.

Here’s hoping that idea works!

And, just as a thought, I’d best mention that the Tunnels and Trolls related artwork is © of Liz Danforth; who’s been doing fantasy artwork for years’s, first for Flying Buffalo, the makers of “Tunnels and Trolls”, and latterly for Wizards of the Coast, the team behind “Magic: The Gathering”; the original collectable card game.


Now, if you’ll excuse me … ?

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