
Sunday 24 May 2009

A brief science documentary …

Phew; what a day at work that was …

I’ve got to admit, I hate doing what — when I worked at the Hutton as a barman — was called an ‘AFD’.

Or ‘All Fornicating Day’.

Use you’re imagination!

So, while I’d like to have maybe headed out to do something, I was — and still am — too damn dog tired!

So it was nice to be able to catch a bit of interesting TV, while I was getting me boots off.

BBC 2 had episode 3 of “The Incredible Human Journey” on, with Dr Alice Roberts as its presenter.

Fascinating stuff.

While I’ve not seen the previous two episodes, I might just watch on the BBC’s iPlayer, so I can catch up with them — the link for the first episode’s  here.

What caught me was the reconstructed head of the oldest European, that Dr Roberts viewed as part of the episode; very different to what I’d expected, certainly.

As was the bits about how we — Homo Sapiens Sapiens — managed to outlast poor ol’ Neanderthal Man.   We managed to out art them, if I’ve understood the episode correctly.   With the last of the Neanderthals seemingly becoming extinct on Gibralter.

Which struck me as sad.

I can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if they’d survived.

Wouldn’t it just make for some great science fiction?

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