
Saturday 2 May 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Well; adding a touch of video to one of my earlier posts, took longer than I expected …

I thought I’d add another clip from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” to the last Teaser Post; you can see it here

But, at any rate, here’s today’s teasers …

Q1) May 2nd, 1933, saw the first recorded modern sighting of which legendary creature … ?

Q2) May the 2nd, 1536 saw the imprisonment of which of Henry 8th’s wives?

Q3) On this day in 1952, the world’s first passenger jet plane — the De Havilland Comet — made its maiden flight, from London to where?

Q4) Today is also the day that, controversially, a British submarine sunk which Argentine ship?

Q5) And finally, which English actor died today, in 1999; Oliver Reed, David Rappaport, or Michæl Hordern?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) May Day, in 1328 saw England recognise which country’s independence?

A1) Scotland.

Q2) The irony is that May Day also saw the Act of Union between the two countries; in which year of the 1700’s?

A2) 1707.

Q3) May Day in 1751 saw the very first cricket match played in what’s now … where?

A3) The USA. (In New York.)

Q4) May Day also saw the introduction, in 1840, of the first adhesive postage stamp; how’s it known to us non-philatelists?

A4) The Penny Black.

Q5) The Great Exhibition was opened at the Crystal Palace, on May Day, 1851. In which year of the 1930’s did the Crystal Palace burn down?

A5) 1936.

Q6) Talking of burnt down palaces, which palace reopened on May Day, 1873, after almost burning down?

A6) Alexandra Palace.

Q7) May Day, in 1869, saw the opening of which Paris institution … ?

A7) The Folies Bergère.

Q8) Today is also the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker; he was the husband of Mary, and the patron saint of whom; carpenters, electricians, or brickies?

A8) Carpenters.

Q9) May Day is also celebrated, in many parts of the world, as International … what … Day?

A9) International Labour Day. (Labour Day, Workers Day, what have you.)

Q10) What form of dancing is traditionally performed in England, on May Day?

A10) Morris dancing.

Q11) And finally, what’s the name of the ancient Celtic May Day celebrations?

A11) Beltane.

Here’s hoping they’re enjoyable!

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