
Sunday 17 May 2009

The Daily Teaser

Ye GODS!   KFC are doing paninis?

I mean, what’s wrong with a bun?

Sorry, sorry, got distracted by an advert, there …

At any rate, how did we find yesterday’s teaser?   Fun, I hope … 

At any rate, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) May 17th, 1900, saw the relief of which town, during the 2nd Boer War?

Q2) Which British military figure founded the Scouts, after that famous siege?

Q3) Which Scandinavian country’s constitution was brought into law, on May 17th, 1814?

Q4) May 17th, 1973, saw the start of the televised hearings into which famous US scandal?

Q5) And finally, May 17th, 1792 saw the founding of which New York financial institution?

And here’s the questions and answers to the Henson Teaser, yesterday …

Q1) Jim Henson — creator of the Muppets — dies on May 16th in which year of the 1990’s?

A1) 1990.

Q2) More to the point, which rather green Muppet did Henson himself operate?

A2) Kermit the Frog.

Q3) What was the first successful series the Muppets appeared in?

A3) “Sesame Street”.

Q4) Which “Star Wars” character was operated long-time Muppet operator, Frank Oz?

A4) Yoda.

Q5) And finally,what was the name of the resident explosives expert on “The Muppet Show

A5) Crazy Harry. (Worst thing they ever did was drop Crazy Harry, in my humble opinion …)

Here’s hoping that Crazy Harry Question didn’t leave too much trauma …

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