
Sunday 31 May 2009

The Daily Teaser.

What a day, that was, yesterday!

Bit of a long ’un, in other words.   But I did manage to catch the tail end of “Enigma”, when BBC3 showed it, and have a bit of a rant, which helps.

Any way, moving rapidly along, here’s today’s teaser questions …

Q1) The 31st of May, 1279BC, saw who become Pharoah of Egypt; Ramses the Great, Tut-Ankh-Amun, or Akhen-Aten?

Q2) 31st May, 1962, saw the State of Israel hang which Nazi war  criminal?

Q3) May 31st, 1927, saw the last ever production model what, roll off the production lines?

Q4) Former FBI agent, Mark Fell, was revealed to have been quite important in the Watergate Scandal, today, in 2005; has was he known, back in the 1970’s?

Q5) And finally, which famous ship was launched on the 31st May, 1911?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) May the 30th, 1536, saw Henry 8th marry his third wife; who was she?

A1) Jane Seymour.

Q2) This day in 1842, John Francis attempted to assassinate who?

A2) Queen Victoria.

Q3) May 30th, 1969, saw riots on the Caribbean island of Curaçao;the famous liqueur from that island is made with a version of which citrus fruit?

A3) The orange.

Q4) May 30th, 1908, was the birthday of the man who voiced Bugs Bunny.   What was his name?

A4) Mel Blanc.

Q5) And finally, today in 1990, saw France ban what?

A5) British beef.


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