
Saturday 16 May 2009

Halfway Down the Stair is A Teaser …

We’ve a themed Teaser … !

And it’s happened, because today’s the anniversary of the death of Jim Henson, the man who created the Muppets; possibly one the more sets enduring  of TV icons; up there with Doctor Who, Mr Spock, and Ena Sharples.

So, without much furthers ado, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) Jim Henson — creator of the Muppets — dies on May 16th in which year of the 1990’s?

Q2) More to the point, which rather green Muppet did Henson himself operate?

Q3) What was the first successful series the Muppets appeared in?

Q4) Which “Star Wars” character was operated long-time Muppet operator, Frank Oz?

Q5) And finally,what was the name of the resident explosives expert on “The Muppet Show

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) May 15th 1567, saw Mary, Queen of Scots marry the Earl of Bothwell; was he her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th husband?

A1) Her 3rd.

Q2) May 15th, 1718, saw London Lawyer, James Puckle, patented the first example of what kind of gun; musket, wheel-lock, or machine-gun?

A2) Machine Gun.

Q3) May 15th, 1991, saw Edith Cresson become the first woman to hold which French Government office?

A3) Prime Minister.

Q4) May 15th, 2008, saw California become the 2nd US state to legalise same sex marriages; which state was the first?

A4) Massachusetts.

Q5) And finally, it’s also independence Day, in which South American Country?

A5) Paraguay.

And I’m thinking question 5, of today’s set, will get people wondering …

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