
Friday 1 May 2009

More stuff about the Cinema!!!


The amount of digging I’ve just done!

And not to get the cinema built, either.   Except metaphorically, either!!!!

But, at any rate, I’ve just spent a — debatedly — fruitful 20 minutes or so, emailing Kerry Hartnett, the Local Government Ombudsman team member who, seemingly, deals with our area, to find out as much as possible about the possible complaint that the various anti’s may have put in.

Please notice I say MAY have put in.

Because they can’t actually say whether they have or not, because of the various Data protection laws.

Hmmm …

I don’t quite know how I feel about that.

I do know it’s frustrating not to know for certain, simply if one’s been received, or not.

And I also know that, based on the information I’ve received from both Kerry Hartnett at the Local Governed Office, and from the Planning Office at Brentwood Coucil, that we should send a letter of support to Steven Boyle — the Complaints Officer at Brentwood Council — to help offset any complaints that the Swan Paddock Residents Association or the Save Brentwood Action Group choose to make to the Ombudsman Office.

Here’s his email adress;

And here’s the email I sent; 

Dear Mr Boyle, I’m writing to show my support for Brentwood Council’s approval for the recently approved William Hunter Way development – BRW/729/2008 — as I feel the associated shops and cinema will bring both much needed jobs and entertainment to this town.

As a jobseeker, I look forward to appying for a job, there, and also hope it will bring many years entertainment to the area; something Brentwood has been in sore need of.

I also feel I should point out that the Swan Paddock Residents Association, and Save Brentwood Action Group do not represent all the residents of this town, nor necessarily have the towns best long term interests at heart.

Please feel free to look over the various posts I have made about it, on

Obviously, if this is something you’d want to do yourself, I’d seriously urge you get going with the cutting and pasting!!

Actually, I’d seriously urge you do it, now; I don’t know whether a complaint has been made, although I suspect it may have done.

Every bit helps …

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