
Sunday 10 May 2009

More Techno Geekery …

Well, there’s a thing …

Remember me saying, a while back, that I was trying to transfer across a lot of .pdf’s over to the Performa, and couldn’t get the disc to be recognised?

Well …

I’ve managed — courtesy of next door neighbour, Lynn  — managed to get hold of some blank CD’s to try transporting a few a few files over.

And, as an extra thought, Apple are now handing out the Mac OS 7.5.5 updates, that’s probably worth a go, as well.

Now, as you’ll now from the last time I posted, the Performa had trouble recognising the fairly recent CD I’d tried to record with  the Mini’s on-board burning utility.

Why, I’m still not sure.

And a Joliet formatted CD, burnt with wasn’t seemingly recognised, either.

But one thing I’ve found that Burn can do is save a group of files as a good ol’ fashioned .iso 9660 file, which — when burnt with Disc Utility — The Performa read like a D-ream!

So I’m happily pleased about that!

And I’ll probably be transfering the rest over, as and when!!

And trying the updates, too …

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