
Wednesday 13 May 2009

A Round Up and Daleks In Manhattan.

Ye god’s, didn’t I have to jump through hoops to get the first four screen grabs … ?

My word, yes!

I’ve actually found that — in Mac OS 7.5.3 — all I need to do is to hit Shift (⇧
), 3, and cmd (⌘) to get a screen grab.

And that those I could save to the last couple of floppy disc’s in my possession, to cart up to Brentwood Library; as with most modern machines, the Mini doesn’t exactly have a floppy drive, so emailing them to myself from there was the best way of transferring them to the the more modern Mac.

Considering Brentwood Library’s pc’s aren’t exactly good at recognising usb Flash drives …

I also know that, buried in in one of the various subfolder’s, is a copy of Stuffit Expander; using that to expand an update a newer version I got fromhere, I’m hoping to be able to get the OS 7.5.5 updates installed.

Back to the pictures, though, I found— after I’d been up to the Library — that I could use the Performa’s on-board software to convert the screenshots into .pict format; something Preview can turn into a .jpeg, and upload to here.

At least I know there’s an easier way, for next time …

I also know I’m going to have to do a little research into version’s 4 and 5 of QuickTime, the one running on there; I’ve tried transferring across some video files; which of course, is too old to recognise.

More on that, as and when!


But, at any rate, while I was doing all the various bits of re-coding to be able to upload the pics, I had “Daleks in Manhattan” and “Evolution of The Daleks” — episode 4 & 5 of season three of the new “Doctor Who”— playing in the background.

Great stuff!

Although, saying that, I’ve got Episode 8, “Human Nature” on at the mo.  And of the Season three two parters, I think I prefer “Human Nature”/“Family Of Blood”.

Something in the writing, or filming?

Maybe; don’t forget, the latter pairing were first published as part of the Virgin New Adventure series; which possibly means all that had to be done on that front was adaptation, rather than lots of creative effort.

At least, that’s my thinking.

One thing I do know is that all four episodes feature Martha Jones; who I alway’s think is very underrated as a companion.


Which is something else, while I’m here.

I managed to pick up on the rumour that possibly — possibly — we may see a return of Rose, along with the version of the Doctor created at the end of Season Four.

Whether that’s a good thing, I don’t know; we’ll have to see, come Christmas …

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