
Thursday 7 May 2009

The Teaser, the Teaser, to Teaserland We wil … Naah; It wasn’t funny the first time … …

Phew … !

You know, I’m thinking this’ll be the last time I do a picture round, for a while!

At least, until I can better use Blogger’s layout options.

The handy thing is, though, is that both NeoOffice, and can export to Adobe’s .pdf format; something Microsoft have only recently caught on to doing.

Which I can then turn into the .jpg  answers for yesterday’s picture questions, with Preview.

At any rate, these pic’s are yesterday’s answers; I’m just hoping the layout’s a bit better, Trevor?

Trevor … ?

(Trevor, pass my apologies and regards, to Penny, by the way, I know she’s going to have ideological objections to picture number 2, but I just post ’em!)

But, at any rate, without much ado, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) May 7th, 1718, saw the founding of which jazzy American City?

Q2) Kid Ory’s Original Creole Jazz Band were from that city and the first jazz band to be recorded; in which year of the 1920s?

Q3) While we’re in a musical mood; Anne Dudley was born today, in 1956. Which 80s band did she find fame with; The Art of Noise, The Bellestars, or Bucks Fizz?

Q4) Today is officially Radio Day, commemorating the invention of the first antennæ, by scientist Anton Popov; but in which East European country?

Q5) May 7th, 1986, saw the birth of drummer, Matt Helders; which Sheffield based band is he the drummer for?


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