
Friday 8 May 2009

You Teaserin’ at Me?

You know, I had meant to start off today’s teaser post by saying “Good Morning”.

But as I write, it’s — *checks clock, makes face* — just gone 12;10, so I’ll apologise for being a little late.   But I was up late, last night

At any rate, today’s questions have something of a — just in case Keith’s reading this — military theme.

Well it is VE Day, today …

Q1) Today is VE Day; what does ‘VE’ stand for?

Q2) On what date in August is Victory in Japan Day?

Q3) On the subject of wars; Today saw the Battle of Gravia, part of the Greek War of independence; which English poet fought for the Greeks, during this war?

Q4) Today,during the American Civil War, saw which city named as the capital of the Confederate Sates of the US; Virginia, Alabama, or Houston?

Q5) Today also saw the death of the author of “Starship Troopers”. What was his name; Theodore Sturgeon, Robert A. Heinlein, or Arthur C. Clarke?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) May 7th, 1718, saw the founding of which jazzy American City?

A1) New Orleans.

Q2) Kid Ory’s Original Creole Jazz Band were from that city and the first jazz band to be recorded; in which year of the 1920s?

A2) 1922.

Q3) While we’re in a musical mood; Anne Dudley was born today, in 1956. Which 80s band did she find fame with; The Art of Noise, The Bellestars, or Bucks Fizz?

A3) The Art of Noise.

Q4) Today is officially Radio Day, commemorating the invention of the first antennæ, by scientist Anton Popov; but in which East European country?

A4) Russia.

Q5) May 7th, 1986, saw the birth of drummer, Matt Helders; which Sheffield based band is he the drummer for?

A5) The Arctic Monkeys.

Enjoy that little lot!


But at any rate, I’m also going to throw in a little light politics; with one question.

Who on earth was pulling faces, off camera?

Thought, anyone?


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