
Tuesday 2 June 2009

The Daily Teaser.

You know, June really is proving to be a dry month, so far, it really is!

Not a lot of stuff I can use source questions!

But, at any rate, here’s today’s question.

Q1) June 2nd, 1953 saw the first ever televisized coronation; who’s coronation was it?

Q2) On the subject of famous firsts; who’s circus started its first national tour, today in 1835?

Q3) Which of the five ‘Classic’ horse races was first held, today, in 1780?

Q4) John Paul the 2nd became the first pope to visit a Communist country, back in 1979; which country was it?

Q5) And finally; 2nd June 1692 saw the first woman to go to court in which famous American trials?

And here’s yesterday’s question and answers …

Q1) The 1st of June, 1495, saw the fist ever written reference to which very Scottish product; whisky, haggis, or bagpipes?

A1) Whisky?

Q2) In 1922, the 1st of June saw the founding of which controversial Irish police force?

A2) The Royal Ulster Constabulary.

Q3) Which country’s Royal family was massacred by one of it’s own members, in 2001?

A3) Nepal’s

Q4) June the 1st, 1967, saw the release of which iconic Beatles album?

A4) “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Q5) And finally, today in 2008 saw the death of which French fashion designer?

A5) Yves Saint-Laurent.

Hope their fun!

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