
Saturday 13 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve go to admit, I’m looking forward to Monday. And very nervous. My favourite radio show’s back on, but minus the late Humphrey Lyttleton, its original presenter.

I’ve mixed feelings, there.

At any rate, here’s today’s question’s …

Q1) Today in 1945 saw the birth of Whitley Streiber; his most famous novel was all about being kidnapped by what; aliens, pirates or terrorists?

Q2) 13th June, 1981, saw an assassination attempt on the Queen; was it at Trooping the Colour, State Opening of Parliament, or a State visit?

Q3) 13th June, 2000, saw the very first meeting between the leaders of which two East Asian countries?

Q4) 13th June is also the Feast Day of Saint Anthony of Padua; is he the patron saint of swineherds, shepherds, or goat-herds?

Q5) And finally, today in 1893, saw the birth of detective novellist, Dorothy L. Sayers; what was the name of her most famous character?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 12th June saw the start of England’s famous 1381 Peasants Revolt; name any of the three leaders.

A1) John Ball, Jack Straw, and Wat Tyler. (Which started in my home town of Brentwood.)

Q2) June 12th, 1665, saw the English install a municipal government in New York City; what was New York’s previous European name?

A2) New Amsterdam.

Q3) June 12th, 1997, saw the opening of the Globe Theatre. The original Globe famously showed whose plays?

A3) William Shakespeare’s

Q4) June 12th, 1980 saw the death of which holiday entrepreneur?

A4) Billy Butlin.

Q5) June 12th, 1978, saw the sentencing of serial killer, David Berkowitz; how was he more notoriously known?

A5) The Son Of Sam.

Enjoy those!

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