
Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve got to confess, I had a nice, if strange, evening at work, last night.

I actually managed to meet myself!!

And last night’s episode of “I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue” was hysterical; Stephen Fry managed to hit the key a bit better. And they’ve introduced a game called ‘Bordeaux’, which was incredible!

At any rate, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) Who was elected as the fisrt president of Egypt, today, in 1956?

Q2) June 23rd 1983 saw Pope John Paul 2nd met Lech Walesa; which Polish trade union did Lech Walesa lead?

Q3) On 23rd June, 1940, Adolf Hitler famously took a tour of which conquered city?

Q4) June 23rd, 79AD saw the death of which early Roman Emperor; Vespasian, Nero, or Caligula?

Q5) And finally, 23rd June is the official birthday of which European monarch?

And here is — paying attention, Donnette and Paul? — yesterday’s question’s and answers …

Q1) June 22nd, 1954, saw Pauline Barker, along with her friend, Juliet Hulme, murder her mother, Honora; what was the name of the Peter Jackson film this was turned into?

A1) “Heavenly Creatures

Q2) June 22nd, 1907, saw the Hampstead Line open on the London Underground; which ‘C’ was the inner London terminal for that line?

A2) Charing Cross.

Q3) Which ‘C’ — and moon of Pluto — was discovered today, in 1978?

A3) Charon.

Q4) Virgin Atlantic Airlines took it’s first flight, today in 1984; from which London airport?

A4) Heathrow.

Q5) June 22nd saw Galileo forced to recant his view about the Earth moving around the Sun; in which year of the 1630’s?

A5) 1633.

Enjoy those!!

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