
Tuesday 30 June 2009

The Daily Teaser

I’ve got to admit, I’m actually up late, today!

I’ve got the day off, today, which mean’s I’ve slept in. And after last night’s staff meeting! Oy!

Strange atmosphere … Oh well!

Anyway, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) June the 30th saw the UK hand over control of Hong Kong to China; in which year of the 1990s?

Q2) June 30th, 1859, saw acrobat Charles Blondin make a tightrope crossing of where?

Q3) June 30th, 1905, saw Albert Einstein publish which version of his theory of Relativity?

Q4) Keeping scientific, June 30th, 1860, saw the Oxford Union debate what theory?

Q5) And finally, Margaret Thatcher took her place in the House of Lords; as the Baroness of where?

And here‘s yesterdays questions and answers …

Q1) June 29th, 1920, was the birthday of Ray Harryhausen; what was the name of his last successful film?

A1) “Clash of the Titans”.

Q2) June 29th, 1914, saw a failed assassination attempt on which notorious Russian monk?

A2) Grigori Rasputin.

Q3) June 29th was also the day that the BBC open BBC Television Centre, in Shepards Bush; but in which year of the 1960s?

A3) 1960.

Q4) Today in 2001 saw the go-ahead given for the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain; in which London Park is it?

A4) Hyde Park.

Q5) And finally, 29th, 2003, saw the death of which American actress?

A5) Katherine Hepburn.

Enjoy those, and I’ll see you tomorrow … !

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