
Friday 5 June 2009

In Memorium; David Eddings

Oh, now that’s a shame!

I’ve just found out from the BBC’s teletext and web coverage, that the 77 year-old fantasy author, David Eddings died, on Tuesday.

I’m mildly upset.

I LOVED his stuff; right from page one of the Belgariad series.

Which is maybe putting it strongly.

I also know that he wasn’t a stunningly great genius of a writer.   But he was very entertaining.   His plot’s were fairly formulaic; but his — or he and Leigh, his late wife and collaborator — did have a wonderfully way with dialogue.

And, yes, I know I usually wouldn’t — these days — go for brick thick novels, Eddings was one of the few exceptions.

As he put it himeself, “I’m never going to be in danger of getting a Nobel prize for literature, I’m a storyteller, not a prophet. I’m just interested in a good story”.

Which I think says it all …

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