
Monday 15 June 2009

Just a quickie

I’ve got to admit, I’ve just had Dr Paul — he of Dr Paul’s Quiz — ask me how I got a certain character to appear on Facebook. The ‘æ’ sign, to be precise.

I had to be honest, and tell him that it’s done by hitting Alt and ‘'’; not something that’d be available to him, under Windoze.

I also know I’ve a wide range of these available to me; certainly from Mac OS X 10.4.x, and right up to now, as I’m using Mac OS X 10.5.7. And I don’t see Apple not using them in Snow Leopard, which see’s its release in September of this year.

So, to follow on from the keyboard Shortcuts guide I did in April, here’s some helpful keyboard shortcuts for non-standard characters in Leopard …




Option [

Opening quotation mark

Option shift [

Closing mark

Option ]

Opening apostrophe

Option shift ]

Closing apostrophe

Option Hyphen

En dash

Option shift hyphen

Em dash

Option ;



Option 9


Option Shift 9

Decimal Point.


Option 0

Degrees. (Temperarure)

Option 8

Bullet mark


Option Shift 8

Another Bullet mark

Option 7

Paragraph mark

Option Shift 7



Option 6

Another footnote


Option Shift 6

Ligature of f & l

Option 5



Option Shift 5

Ligature of f & i


Option 4

2⁄4 time signature


Option 3

Hash Mark. The Americans call it a Pound sign.


Option Shift \

French closing quotation mark

Option Shift 4

French closing apostrophe

Option Shift 3

French opening apostrophe


Option \

French opening quotation mark

Option 2

Euro currency sign. Cue Al Murrey

Option Shift 2



Option g

Copyright sign


Option r

Registered sign


Option 1

Spanish punctuation


Option Shift /

More Spanish Punctuation

Option Shift 1

Division sign.


Option /

Division sign.


Option c


Option shift c


Option p

Lower case Pi


Option shift p

Upper case Pi


Option z



Option '


Option shift '

Option =

Does Not Equal

Option x

Approximately equal to

I’d also like to thank David Pogue, of The Missing Manuel fame; I’d’ve never known about these, if it wasn’t for his very helpful indexes …

Hope those are helpful!!

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