
Sunday 21 June 2009

The Solstice Teaser … !!

Boy, can I get distracted by games, or what??

My word, yes!

I’ve recently discovered that Facebook has an online version of Pacman, called Waka-Waka, as one of its pages. Damn addictive …

At any rate, here’s today’s Solstice themed questions …

Q1) June the 21st marks the summer solstice in the northern hemispehere; in which month is the summer solstice, in the southern hemisphere?

Q2) What’s longer on the summer solstice; day or night?

Q3) The word ‘solstice’ comes from which language?

Q4) What name is given to the dates when days and nights are of equal length?

Q5) Astrologically speaking, June 21st is between two signs; name either.

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) June 20th, 451AD, saw the Roman Empire defeat which Scourge of God?

A1) Attila the Hun.

Q2) Several centuries later, June 19th, 1877, saw Alexander Graham Bell installed the world’s first commercial telephone system; in which country?

A2) Canada.

Q3) On the subject of phones, June 19th, 1963 saw the red telephone established between the leaders of two countries; name either.

A3) The USA, and the USSR.

Q4) June 19th, 1840, saw Samuel Morse finally patent what; Morse Code, the Telegraph or the wireless transceiver?

A4) The Telegraph.

Q5) Finally, three years before Morse’s patent, June 19th, 1837, saw who ascend to the throne of Great Britain?

A5) Queen Victoria.

Enjoy those!

And I’ll see you tomorrow.

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