
Tuesday 18 August 2009

Hmmm … I think today’s been one of those …

Well, it has, I think … !

I’ll be honest, my day at work has been rather longer than I expected!

For starters, our boss is on holiday; which means we’ve no-one to pass the buck to, if something goes wrong. And, on top of that, one of my co-workers has gone off ill.

Which means tons of hours and money, on the one hand.

Along with tons of stress, on the other

What hasn’t help is the fact we had a delivery, today.

I’m convinced that’s why our freight lift decided to give up the ghost and stop working, a week after it got fixed.

It never rains, does it … ?


Now, on top of that, I’ve got to admit, we’ve had a poster on our door.

About the potential of forming a Residents Association …

Hmmm …

I’m not sure if I’m stunningly interested — or convinced — to be frank.

Back when I was living at Fouroaks, there were moves to try and do something similar; something that both I and Movie Night Adrian were involved with.

Unfortunately, it was something that took a long time — as I recall — to go no-where.

Getting one of our other neighbours — a chap called Laurie — involved was helpful, long term, because Laurie proved to be helpful in completing the improvements to the communal garden.

Short term, though, it really didn’t work, even with Laurie and Adrian* acting as mix of mediators, hard men, and party animals.

But the actual RA we tried forming really didn’t get off the ground; mostly, I think, due to the mixture of the various different people involved, with the very different mix of needs, wants, motivations … and personalities, ultimately.

You know, I don’t think I’ve seen so many exploding — and touchy — egos in one room.

Well …

Not outside a theatre, ballet studio or gay bar, frankly!

So — having been involved in one that didn’t really get started — I’m not sure that been involved in another is something that grabs my attention.

Now, granted, I’ve had my disagreements with one of the organisers.

But …

I’ll be honest, I don’t think it, or the site, is necessarily offering me anything I want to look at, right at the mo.

Granted it’s early days, but …


Moving on, I do know I’ve managed to scrounge some passwords for the vintage iMac from its previous owner, Chris.

Neither of which worked, unfortunately!

I also know I’ve managed to get hold of a couple of install discs, via some of the regular customers; cheers for that, Dave! Just going on what I’ve seen so far, the Mac OS 9.2.2 iBook install disc looks like it might just do the trick.

I’ll let you know more, as and when!!


And, before you, yes, I am wearing trousers in that shot, Adrian!

Now why do I have the nasty feeling Adrian’s grinning … ?

* To be frank, both Adrian and Laurie had some very constructive ideas; you really had to work to keep up with either of them!

It’s a shame we didn’t have room in the car-park for my idea; a May Day parade, complete with Soviet era, Communist party bigwigs could well have been fun!

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