
Sunday 27 September 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Ye Gods, but I was up late!!

Last night’s movie was rather good!!

Boy, oh, boy!

Anyway, let’s move on, shall we?

Shall we?

Yes, let’s!

Here’s today’s questions …

Q1) Today in 1590, saw the death of Urban 7th, after one of the shortest reigns in papal history; he was one of the first people to introduce what; a smoking ban, VAT, or a retirement pension?

Q2) Fifty years earlier, 27th September, 1540, saw the initial chartering of which priestly order?

Q3) 27th September, 1822, saw Jean-François Champollion announced he’d translated what?

Q4) In a similar scientific vein, 27th, 1905, saw the publication of which famous equation?

Q5) 27th September, 1940, saw three countries sign the Tripartite Pact, in Berlin; name any of the three countries involved.

Q6) Which musical opened in the West End, on 27th September, 1968?

Q7) Today in 1995, saw the US government release its re-designed what; $20 bill, $50 bill or $100 bill?

Q8) 27th September, 2008, saw an astronaut from which country perform a space-walk?

Q9) One century earlier, 27th September, 1908, saw the first examples of which car roll off the production line?

Q10) And finally, today in 1964, saw the publication of the Warren Report; whose death was that a report into?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 26th September, 46 BD, saw which Roman leader dedicate a temple to Venus?

A1) Julius Cæsar; his family claimed to be descended from her.

Q2) 26th April saw the birth — in 1897 — of one of the Popes who died in 1978; which pope?

A2) Pope Paul 6th.

Q3) That pope share the birthday — 26th September, 1897 — with engineer and inventeer, Sir Barnes Neville Wallis; what was Sir Barnes Wallis’ famous wartime invention?

A3) The Bouncing bomb. (Used in the famous Dambusters raid.)

Q4) To other subjects; 26th September, 1580, saw who complete his circumnavigation of the Earth?

A4) Sir Francis Drake. (Pirate, privateer and slaver; all of which made him the ideal sea captain, politician and hero that he was.)

Q5) The sea-captain mentioned in Q4) had a bounty placed on his head, by Phillip 2nd of Spain, of 20, 000 Ducats; approximately how much is that, in modern Pounds Sterling (£) ?

A5) Approximately £4, 000, 000.

Q6) 26th September, 1960, saw the first televised debate between US presidential candidates; name either of them.

A6) John F. Kennedy, and Richard Nixon.

Q7) Today in 1969, saw the release of what many consider to be the last Beatles album; what was it?

A7) “Abbey Road.” (“Abbey Road,” was the last album they recorded; “Let It Be”, the last album they released, was recorded first, but was delayed until 1970, as the result of a studio hold up.)

Q8) 26th September, 1984, saw the UK agree to hand over what, to China?

A8) Hong Kong.

Q9) 26th September, 1973, saw which jet plane cross the Atlantic in record time?

A9) Concorde.

Q10) And finally, 26th September, 1957, saw the first performance — on Broadway — of which musical?

A10) “West Side Story.

Enjoy those, folks! Let’s see what people can do with them … !!!!

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