
Thursday 17 September 2009

A Slightly Greener Shade of Green …

If that makes sense?

I’m hoping so …

But it’s now official …

Rollason Way — or, at least, Damon House and Watson Court, over the road — now have our Recycling bins, in place.

Sara Bartleman — Circle Anglia’s rep, in the area — told me about this a couple of week’s ago, but, handily, I got reminded about it, when Russell Quirk, the Brentwood Councillor who’s head of the Environmental Committee, reminded me about it, when he came into the shop, the other night.

You know, there are times working in an off-license helps. You certainly catch up with the gossip …

But, at any rate, they’re now now officially in place.

We even had complimentary sacks to put stuff in.

So, just in case you can’t read the picture of the leaflet …

Office paper
Wrapping paper
Yellow Pages
Junk mail

Please Flatten boxes
Corrugated cardboard
Cardboard egg-boxes
Food and non food packaging

Please rinse. NO BOTTLE TOPS
Tood containers
Punnets and trays.
Bubble/shrink wrap packaging
Yoghurt pots
Drink and detergent bottles
Plastic bags.

Steel and aluminium food cans.
Empty aerosols.


Actually, while we’re on the subject of recycling, I’ve got to admit, I’ve a problem.

I think …

Bless ’er, Sara Bartleman popped in, to have a quiet word about the fridge-freezer.

Mostly, she was concerned about the fact it hadn’t been moved as yet; and that I’d put the fridge-freezer out before making any arrangements.

I had to re-iterate, quite simply, that my Mum’s offered to pay Brentwood Council to shift it; as Mum’s not back ’til the end of the week, that’s going to take a while.

And given the size of the flat, keeping the thing inside wasn’t necessarily an option, either …

Which Sara wasn’t happy with; but, as I told her, on my money, I have little other option.

So what she said, next, caught me attention …

She told me she make the arrangements, herself, to have it transported. Nice of her to offer!

But I’m must confess to being a little concerned. Mostly as I’ve not heard from her, about what’s going on!

Either way, hopefully, I’ll be able to let you know, when it’s getting collected.

Catch you later, folks!

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