
Thursday 15 October 2009

The Hotel is Officially Open … !

Well, there’s a thing … !!

It now seems that the new hotel ’round the corner from Rollason Way is now Officially Open!

Or, at least, has Officially been Opened by Brentwood’s Mayor, Councillor Tony Sleep. Amazing, what you can photograph, when you’re just passing by on your way back from shopping … !!

Nice one for him, and the local Conservative group, on Brentwood Council.

Now that Premier Inn — in what used to be the old Amstrad Building — has been part of the various ways that the council’s been improving this ol’ town of ours.

But I know I’ve got a bit of a relatively minor niggle.

Where’s the bins?

In the High Street?

You know, the things you put rubbish in?

Yeah, them bins!

You know me well enough by now, to realise I’ve fired off a letter to the Gazette … here …

Dear Brentwood Gazette.

I’ve got to confess, I went shopping, today, in Brentwood High Street. And I think I’ve got one question about it …

Just one.

Where’s the bins?

No, seriously, where’s the bins?

Now I know Brentwood High Street’s getting seriously refurbished. And I know we’ll have long discussion’s about the quality of the pavements. And that we’ll have bins, when it’s finally finished.

But I’m assuming Brentwood Council could’ve left one or two bins in place, before the new ones get put up.

I mean, Heaven Forbid that people should make a mess, before it’s completed!

You know, I’m really starting to think I should change me name to ‘Annoyed, from Brentwood’!


Something else I spotted, as well, on the way out was …

Well …

A Park!!

I think!

Something I know that’s been a cause of on-again, off-again, discussion, is the simple fact that the locals kids ’round here have nowhere to play.

Well, apart from in the street.

Which, if, like me, you don’t have kids, means there’s a lot of noise, outside my front window, summertime.

Hopefully — hopefully! — that bit of greenery will eventually be a small park, for everyone in the area to use.

All to the good, if it is, although heaven forbid who’s paying for it. And the maintenance staff needed to clean up all the glasses from the pubs in the area.

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