
Monday 23 November 2009

I’m Sorry …

Can I make a confession, here?

Can I?

I’ve got to admit, I’m something of a fan of Radio 4; the BBC’s older talk radio station.

Usually, it’s got something interesting on the go; all the way from Woman’s Hour to Book at Bedtime via the various documentaries, and taking in The Today Show and The Archers.

But one gem has always been — for me — the riot that is I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue; usually described as “… the antidote to panel games.”

Now, I’ve mentioned this before, I know.

Most recently, after the death of its original chair, the late Humphrey Lyttleton.

Late …

And much missed …

But, after Series 51’s trio of presenters, this summer, Series 52 sees Jack Dee take the reins.

And, although I missed last last weeks opening episode, I’m sitting here listening to tonight’s episode.


Mostly because, with Jack Dee presenting, and Rob Brydon, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer and Graeme Garden managed to play a superb game of Mornington Crescent.

Actually, quite a complicated one, too.

Open Variation Southwark Method, bloody tricky, that one* … !

The question of bypassing Fairlop’s a tricky one, with quartered diagonals …

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