
Thursday 10 December 2009

Chromed …

Hell … llllllo …

Oh …

That’s how it works …

I’ve got to admit, I’m … tinkering, at the mo.

I’m currently using the (Beta) version of Google Chrome for Mac, and I’m … not sure what to make of it …

Hmmm … it seems interesting enough, but I’ll let you know more.

But the fact it doesn’t have a conventional Google search-bar — it is Google produced software, after all — does mean it’s a little bit of a bugger to get use to at first … !


But one thing I do know is that the UK government has decided to launch its own Space Agency!

Which is a fantastic piece of news, if it wasn’t the fact there’s a recession on …

Well, that’s a debatable point.

I personally think that something like this is preferable to the amount’s handed to various banks.

Simplistic? Certainly!

I’m the first to admit I’m not Mr Educated.

I’m not.

But I do know that, after we stopped the various Black Knight launches, Britain started to lag behind in the Space race.

We weren’t even a starter, let alone an also-ran!

So, while the news may not be brilliantly timed, it does look like we’re making the effect, if nothing else.


Can I make a confession, here?

Can I?

I’m going to, what ever …

I do know that I’ve come back to using Safari for the additions to this particular post, as, between toying with the newer version of the editing tools that come with Blogger, and the effect of using Chrome, I’m not sure that I’m exactly pleased with the results.

As I think you’ve probably can tell, from the third picture … !!


  1. google chrome...............

    now theres a thing. i too tried it and found it very good but as u say pj, hard to get used to. it is a good browser but after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing i still went back to firefox mainly because of its user friendlyness.... well worth a look at tho if anyone wants to try something new.

  2. Well … I’ve switched back to Safari, for this: you can definitely see the difference between the post I put up with Chrome, and the one I’ve done with Chrome.

    The security on it’s good, it seems, but …

    Well …

    The font’s and colouring are definitely … well … off!!

    If I get the chance, though, I’ll add a couple more screen grabs with it!


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