
Sunday 27 December 2009

Exploring the Darkness …

You know, I must confess, I’m rather impressed, I really am.

I’ve just been using Quicktime X to do some trimming.

And I’m rather pleased about that.

No, seriously.

But more on what I was actually trimming, later.

I know that, for the moment, the basic trimming facility will come in handy.

Granted, doesn’t have the full on features of iMovie, but it does seem to be able to trims the ends of a TV show I’ve recorded.

Whether it could trim out adverts, I don’t know.

I’d imagine if one couldn’t, then something like MPEG Streamclip, or iMovie could.

That’s if one were planning to record films on TV, trim out the adverts and then either save them to an exterior drive or burn them to to disc with something like iDVD.

Not that I’m condoning it, I’m just giving you an example of something that’s best described as a legal grey area.

But suffice to say, I’m impressed.

Impressed enough to wonder how the YouTube sharing feature works …


To other things, now, if you don’t mind?

Well, you might, but I’m going to chatter, anyway.

One thing I know I haven’t managed to do is tell you I saw Part One of The End Of Time, on Christmas Day.

Actually, it’s getting to be something of a family tradition, by now.

Well, I saw family

Bless ’em, Allison and Liz vanished upstair’s to watch Emmerdale, but tentacles, aliens and thing’s going ‘BOOM’ aren’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea.

Actually, remind me to ask Allison and Liz how that episode went. I’m not a fan, but I’d rather look vaguely interested …

Say’s I, burbling …

But at any rate, The End Of Time, Part One was damn good stuff!


Right from the opening scenes, which see the late Lucy Saxon coerced — in a scene I found reminiscent of Dennis Wheatley, only on a better budget — into helping revive her late husband.

And, yes, if you’ve been following the show, you’ll realise I’m talking about the John Simm version of The Master.

And — seemingly as a result of the improperly performed resurrection — the Master is both damaged and even more psychotic than in his previous appearance in The Sound of Drums and Last of the Timelords.

He’s back …

And I can’t help but think that John Simm must have had a whale of a time, on this job.

Part One sees’s the Doctor called to the OodSphere, by Ood Sigma, and specifically warned of the Master’s return. And dashing to Earth, where he’s joined by Donna’s grandfather, Wilf: played, again, by Bernard Cribbins.

The Doctor and Wilf end up following the Master to the offices of businessman, Joseph Naismith.

And he’s got something The Master becomes interested in: a piece of alien technology Naismith calls the Immortality Gate, which lets its users heal either a person …

Or the population of an entire planet …

You can see the appeal, can’t you?

Now I’ve got to admit, I liked this episode, I really did.

It was — as, perhaps we’d expect for the first half of what is a regeneration story — both emotional, and dark.

Because the Tenth Doctor is expecting to die.

He is.

But those of us who both know the show, and watch the various news sites know what’ll happen on New Year’s Day.

Apart from the shock return of the Timelords, complete with Timothy Dalton.

But I’ll also think I’ll be sad to see the back of David Tennant.


And just as a final thought, you might just want to have a look at the video.

Remember me saying about the Snow Leopard version of Exposé being a touch less jerky than the Leopard version?

Well, I’ve just uploaded this to YouTube …

Just to show you …

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