
Saturday 19 December 2009

In At the Last …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’m feeling … mixed …

Yes …

Definitely mixed …

Because I’ve just seen the last episode of the second series of Merlin.

And I’m impressed enough with the season finale to tell you so.

But also disappointed.

First off, let me tell you that’s the series two finale was a very good episode: it logically follows on from last weeks episode, dealing as it does, with one logical consequence of Merlin’s releasing of the Great Dragon in episode 12.

Hmmm …

Perhaps I should use the Dragon’s name, which I believe to be Kilgara.

But as I’m not sure I actually heard it correctly, I think I’ll have to stick to referring to it him as The Dragon.

Either way, we find this out as Arthur and Merlin have to find a character called Balinor, in a neighbouring kingdom.

Balinor, it seems, is the Last Dragonlord of the title, and the man who’d originally helped Uther to trap the Dragon, many years ago.

And a character forced to flee, as Uther clamps down, in his purge of magic all those years ago.

There’s another revelation, as well …

One that directly impact’s upon Merlin, himself.

Balinor … is his father …

You know, I’m none to sure if I should be throwing in a cynical comment, here: one on the lines of “Couldn’t see that one coming!”

I didn’t, though. Even though it was one that was kind of expected, and nicely done, in the context of the episode.

Which is sort of what disappoints, here …

Last week’s story sees Morgana being poisoned by Merlin, and — effectively — kidnapped by Emilia Fox’s Morgause.

Now, I’m personally convinced that Morgause, Morgana and Arthur are more intimately linked than we think.

Or have been told.

And I’m a little disappointed that this hasn’t been followed up.

Still …

It does give us something to look forward to!

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