
Wednesday 27 January 2010

I got it wrong!

I’ve got to admit, I think I got it wrong.

No, I stand corrected, I did get it wrong.

I managed to well and truly over estimate my own abilities.

Well, no, that’s strictly inaccurate.

I didn’t: what I actually did was … well …

Remember my friend, Kelly?

Her in the photo’s?

Yeah, that Kelly!

She’s been — rather nervously — eyeing up the possibility of putting Ubuntu on to her laptop for about six months, now: we’ve finally … finally … got around to putting it on there for her.

Ah HEM!!

Adventures in Linux Land, eh, Kelly?

I’ve got to admit, I think I managed to make an almost complete hash of it.


Yeeeeeezzzzzzz …

Backing stuff up!


Now, I’ve got to confess, that’s why I owe Kelly an apology.

Because I made the stupid mistake of copying her files across to the USB flash drive I keep for this sort of thing.

But not double checking I’d done so correctly.

Which meant that — after the usual fairly smooth Ubuntu installation process — I couldn’t find the files I’d — apparently successfully — copied across for her.

Kelly was practically in tears. And I can’t say that I blame her.

After all, despite my* reassurances, the installation had apparently gone badly wrong.

What makes it worse, is that Kelly had done Allison and I something of a nice dinner, as well: absolutely fantastic plate of ol’ fashioned bangers and mash.

Now, Kelly, bless her, has been in touch, to let me know she’s found most of the actual important files: and sounded fairly ok about that.

But I’ve got to admit, I made hash of copying those files over. By not double-checking that they’d been copied across.

Kelly, I’m sorry for that.


But if nothing else, it has made me very aware of the importance of making sure of copying these things across properly.

In the case of Kevin’s laptop, it wasn’t this much of a problem. After all, the amount of file’s Kevin had were minimal, compared to the sheer volume Kelly has/had. We are, don’t forget, talking about a semi professional musician, photographer and artist who uses her laptop as a tool, as much as something for surfing the ’net, or writing letters with.

So, this has actually taught me a thing or two …

  • Make DAMN sure I encourage people who want to do this back their files up.

  • Make DAMN sure that — when I do it, as well — that I do it correctly.

  • And make DAMN sure I know exactly what software people have! Kelly had some very obscure stuff on there … !

  • •••••

    Now, let’s move on, shall we?

    Shall we?

    Yes, I think I’d better, hadn’t I?

    The one bit of entertaining news I caught, today, is something from Apple.


    Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, cancer survivor, and possibly the best showman the computer industry has pulled something else out of them there trouser pockets, again. And I’m not talking about Harry Enfield’s suggested iHump, either …

    Oh, no … !

    If you’re an Apple fan — hel-LO! — then you’d probably realise there’s been talk — talk, I should emphasise — about a potential Apple tablet for some time, now.

    You know how the rumour mills go.

    But Apple’s done it again.

    Managed to introduce a gadget that’s got onto the BBC’s 10 O’Clock News bulletin, exactly when Apple wants it to.

    They’ve introduced what they call the iPad: in other words a touch screen device, somewhere between an iPhone, and a netbook.

    Steve Jobs is calling it revolutionary.

    I don’t know about that: I do know, though, that the iPod, and iPhone weren’t revolutionary, but were iCatching beautiful bits of easy to use, much copied pieces of kit.

    I also know this: I want one for Christmas!

    Or me birthday, that’s nearer!!

    * And reassurances from Allison, as well, bless her!

    1 comment:

    1. Awwwwwwwwww Poor Paul!!! A friend comes round to do you a favour and they leave with you being an emotional wreck....panicking over whether they have erased files you wanted to keep...I do panic easily sometimes tho (possibly the time of year??? For whatever reason) I, personally, think he knew he hadn't done wrong but he let me think he had and that helped no end...proabably mainly due to the fact that I then managed to control my emotions as there was no instant denial!!! Wow...or something...I am tired and must be off to bed!

      OOOh mustn't forget to say Thanks...he called me all the names i like to be the blog like...:D


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