
Saturday 20 March 2010

Oh, me Thingie …

Which sounds like something of an ambiguous title, doesn’t it?

Doesn’t it?

Hmmm …

Maybe not …

But I’m rambling, again, aren’t I?

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yes, let’s


Do you remember me mentioning, in a Teaser a few days ago, about the fact that I’d inherited a new computer desk?

It’s rather big.


I’ve seen smaller broom cupboards.

Well …

Not counting Movie Night Adrian’s broom cupboard: his is the size of a garden shed, it really is …

I babbling, again, aren’t I?

The point I’m trying to make, here, is that Mum — who’d given me the disc — had inherited the PC that had gone with it.

Which, I should add, now has a a copy of Ubuntu 9•10 Karmic Koala as its default operating system.

Well, I wasn’t going to leave Windoze XP on there, now was I?

(Adrian, don’t. I can see you from here! Just don’t!)

But that went fairly well, if I do say so, meself.

I even managed to put on some genealogy software and a golf game for Mum, and some extra bits and bob’s for Ruth and Anna, my two sisters.

Shame the CD’s didn’t copy over correctly, but there you go …

Well … not CD’s, per se: but I did transfer a few audio files, via a flash memory stick, which didn’t transfer too well. Although that could just be me …

At any rate, now it’s plugged into the mains, and hooked up to the net, all we’ve got to do now, is transfer the piles of files that — originally — were on my kid sister Ruth’s laptop, onto the new family computer.

Oh …

And persuade everyone that logging out of their account is a good habit to pick up …

Oy Veh!


At any rate, the other thing I managed to pick up was something Mum, Anna and Ruth had got me for my birthday, and arrived, yesterday.

It was the (pictured) LaCie d2 DVD rewriter drive.

Which is one DAMN handy pice of kit to get.

As you might have realised from the post I put up, just after Christmas, I’ve now installed Snow Leopard on the Mini.

Which works fine, apart from one or two quirks.

Obviously, one of those is the comparative lack of RAM: although Apple say that Snow Leopard will work perfectly well with 1 gigabyte of RAM — which it does — many Mac fans suggest upgrading to 2 gigabytes as and when, to get the best from Mac OS X 10•6•x.

Something I know I can speak for. Mostly, Snow Leopard does work well enough, on my 2008 era Mini, bar the obvious Safari hang, when I’m playing some online, animation intense, Flash games.

About the only other big problem — here we go! — was the issue that Snow Leopard — in particular, after the January security update — with the Mini’s on-board interior optical drive. What Apple calls a SuperDrive.

It don’t half act up!

So getting an exterior optical drive that connects up by Firewire 400 cable, rather than just USB, is a heck of a pressie to get.

As, on top of the speed boost it has in burning to disc, I can also boot from the original install disc.

Which is bloody handy, as the install disc’s copy of Disc Utility does come in handy for all sorts of things … !


Now, about that last poster …

I couldn’t resist putting it up!

It looks like Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts are playing the Twist, in Colchester, on the 27th. And wouldn’t you know it, I’m skint!


But, if nothing else, I can tell you to get yourself to it.

A DRN gig is heck of a fun night out!

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