
Saturday 24 April 2010

Back and forth

Oh, now, hang on, that’s so unfair

Tonight’s stunner of a Dr Who is the first half of two!

It’s a ‘To Be Continued’!!

Don’t you just hate that … ?

But I will say this: Smith, Gillan and Moffat have pulled a stonker out of the hat!!

Along with some returning old friends … !

Because tonights’s episode, The Time of Angels, is even better than last week’s Victory of the Daleks.

It sees the Doctor summoned by his future wife/widow* Doctor — at this stage in her life — River Songº.

To the wreck of a ship called the Byzantium.

A wreck with something else in the hold that the Doctor’s met in a previous life …

A Weeping Angel.

And there’s a very good suggestion that the Angel’s up to something more than just sitting in the hold, waiting for the right moment to scare someone … !

Actually, the major scare in tonight’s episode is where Amy is confronted by a video clip of the Weeping Angel in the Byzantium’s cargo hold.

A video clip!

Ever been scared that the hideous horrible thing on the TV screen is going to come and get you?

Well … ?

Have you?

Well …

That’s was a heck of a thing … !

I thing Stephen Moffat’s just hit his stride: the Weeping Angels are his babies, if anyone’s.

And I think we’ve something of a classic, here …

Let’s hope Flesh and Stone carries it on.

* Douglas Adams was right: time travel does play havoc with grammar

º Played, as in the Silence in the Library two-parter, by the returning Alex Kingston. And with a great deal of relish, as well.

ª Anybody mentioning Kevin the Teenager will be given a meaningful Look … !

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Personally I would say that Weeping Angels was one of the best episodes of this series.

    You have mentioned the part where Amy Pond looked at the screen, I would say that this was fantastic in the way the Weeping Angel appeared on the screen.

    Everything you have wrote was correct and brilliant.


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