
Sunday 11 April 2010

The Company Of Wolves: Sweetest Tongue and Sharpest Tooth

11th April, 2010.

You know, that was strange …

Ish …

A movie night without Movie Night Adrian: who’s helping out an ill friend, tonight, so couldn’t join Kevin D, Dr Kevin and I for the usual Saturday Night movie.

And I’ve got to admit, tonight’s film, for us, was something a little different: the 1984 Neil Jordan directed, Angela Carter authored, film, The Company of Wolves.

Which does make a change.

The film sees youngster, Rosaleen — played by Sarah Patterson — dream that she’s living in the archetypal fairytale forest.

One that her Grandmother — played by Angela Lansbury — warns her not to go to far into …

And tells Rosaleen a tale or two, to prove her point …

Of wolves …

Of the beast in men …

Of wild animal’s, and things and howl in the night* …

You get the picture, don’t you … ?

(You can possibly also tell it’s 1 in the morning …)


At any rate, it’s late enough to leave the summary of the plot to others.

Suffice to say that’s it’s a fairly obvious metaphor …

I’m also very aware that myself, Kevin D and Dr Kevin took somewhat different views on The Company of Wolves.

But all agreed that it’s a film that’s worth watching at least once.


I’m also aware that I possibly didn’t do the second episode of Season 5 of Dr Who.

Possibly …

I’m actually just re-watching it on the BBC’s iPlayer.

I won’t give away too much of the plot, as I know that Kevin D hasn’t seen it, as yet.

But I’m thinking that this isn’t one of Stephen Moffat’s better scripts, although it does have it’s moments.

I’m also very aware, though, that he has written the bulk of this season’s episodes, and taken on the rôle of Head writer, and the show’s Executive producer.

Which I’m thinking is showing, a little: but then again, this is all new …

For all of us …

* There’s a quote from Terry Pratchett’s Fifth Elephant that did spring to mind, here … : ‘[Igor] Go and tell the children of the night to make vonderful music somevhere else, vill you? I have a headache.’

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