
Saturday 17 April 2010

V for Victory

I think I’m actually starting to warm to the rebooted reboot that is Series 5 of Doctor Who, I really am …

Or, at least, the Mark Gatiss penned episode that’s just finished, just over twenty minutes ago: Victory of the Daleks.

OK, it’s got more than just a touch the Patrick Troughton era Power of the Daleks.

But that’s more than made up for, by the simple fact that there’s … twists …

Victory of the Daleks sees the Doctor summoned to WW2 era Britain by no less a person than Prime Minister Winston Churchill: played by Ian McNiece.

Who I loved as Baron Harkonnen, in the Sci Fi Channel’s version of Dune, I should add!

Now, I’m not going to try and spoil the plot to much.

But I think Victory Of the Daleks is the best Matt Smith episode, so far.

The fact that Ian McNiece and Bill Patterson both did amazingly well in their respective rôles helped, I think.

The episode’s added to the slowly reconstructed series mythos. AND to the story arc, by showing us a thing or two: including a suspiciously familiar looking crack in the wall.

And I’m also thinking that Mr Smith and Ms Gillan are slowly — slowly but surely — getting into the swing of things …

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