
Sunday 16 May 2010


No, seriously, GAAAAHHHHH!

I’ve got to admit, the actual INTERVIEW’S tomorrow!

Where the hell do I put my face?

Not in the suit I’d got ready, I know that much!

I’ll be honest, I got up, absolutely convinced today was Monday, got up, post today’s Teaser — which IS for the correct date, I should add — got the interview suit ready, put the map on me flash memory stick, so I could get it printed out at the library, and headed to town.

It was only when I got halfway up Warley Hill, and noticed that a lot of the shops I’d expect to see open on a Monday were closed, that I thought to check the calendar on my phone to see what day it was.

Oh, POO!

I think, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to bed, for an hour or so …

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