
Saturday 15 May 2010

Decisions, Decisions …

Hmmm …

You know, I’m still not entirely sure about Amy’s Choice, episode 7 of the new series of Dr Who.

But you’d kind of guessed I’d be mentioning it, didn’t you … ?

Hmmm …

Now, I don’t know if it’s my mood, but Amy’s Choice seems …


Hmmm …

Possibly my mood, I think.

Because I’ll happily confess that I’m now re-watching the Stephen Nye penned episode, and thinking it’s one of the more interesting ones, if not an absolute attention grabber.

And one — in the shape of Toby Jones’ Dream Lord — with something of an interesting enemy.

Actually, I’ve a feeling that the Dream Lord may make a return appearance at some point, but don’t quote me on that …

I’m also thinking that Dr Kevin, semi-retired therapist that he is, will be possibly coming up with angles.

Because Amy’s Choice sees the Doctor, Amy and Amy’s fianceé, Rory, seemingly caught between two realities and have to work out which is the most dangerous.

And the choice that Amy has to make, the choice of the title … ?

Isn’t necessarily the one you’d think …


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