
Friday 7 May 2010

Well Hung.

Hmmm …

Well …

Hmmm …

Well, it finally look’s like the UK has a Hung Parliament.

And I’m not too sure how I fell about that.

I’ll be honest, I voted Liberal-Democrat. As any of my neighbours who passed my front room window would’ve been able to guess.

So the news that Nick Clegg is considering a coalition, that both Gordon Brown’s Labour party and David Cameron’s Conservatives — who came out with a majority, if not an absolute majority — is unsurprising.

Although, personally, I’m none to sure that I care for the idea of a Lib-Con or Lib-Lab pact.

I’d’ve been a lot comfier with the idea of the Liberal Democrat’s as the Official Opposition.

Fat chance, given the way our electoral system is set up.

So I can’t help think that both Labour and Conservative making assorted noises about voting reform — after all, after having found out that my vote, along with all of my immediate neighbours is effectively worth 1/20th of a vote — is nice.

But I don’t know whether or not Nick Clegg should trust either Cameron or Brown.

I’ve a feeling neither will be offering a real change, there.

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