
Saturday 12 June 2010

In digs …


You know, I have seen what has to be the fun episode of Matt Smith* first series as the 11th Doctor.

Well …

Because I’ve just literally seen the Gareth Roberts penned episode 11, The Lodger.

And I don’t think you could get more of a 180° switch in emotional feel, you really couldn’t!


Actually, just as a side point, here, I’ve got to admit I read the review that 10thPlanet did for Life, Dr Who & ComBom last week, and, boy, I wish I’d written it! Phew!!


Back to tonight, though …

The Lodger sees the 11th Doctor and Amy arriving in modern day Colchester.

Well …

It’s sees the Doctor arriving in Colchester: after the TARDIS goes a touch astray, and at least three people have vanished in one flat’s top floor.

Because the flat that he takes lodgings in has a problem lodger, in the upstairs flat.

Which turns out to be a crashed time-ship, whose Emergency Crash Programme is doing what it’s been set up to do, in these situations

Trying to find a replacement pilot. And killing people in the process …


Now I’ll be honest, here.

This is not — not — last weeks episode, Vincent and the Doctor.

But, then, it doesn’t look like it’s meant to be.

Bar a fairly dark scene at the end which sees Amy finding her engagement ring.

And — hidden behind Gareth and Sophie’s fridge — there’s a reminder of the Crack …

Going by the ‘Next Time’ teaser we had at the end at the end of The Lodger, episode 11 is the calm before the oncoming storm that are episodes 12 and 13.

And I’m thinking it’s pleasant calm that’ll make make the oncoming darkness all the blacker …


* Actually, as a side point, here, I’m Matt Smith has settled into the rôle of The Doctor. Very much so, in fact … !!


  1. Well I loved it, I have really warmed to Matt Smith as The Doctor, But I just wish I was mumble, mumble years younger 'cos he looked pretty darn good in just a towel.
    I do agree the story was light and fluffy, but it'll be balanced out in the long run.

  2. Funny you should mention that, Polly, Squeaky said exactly the same thing: only thing is, she’s 16 … !!


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