
Thursday, 24 June 2010

Moving Along At A Rate Of Knots

Phew … !!

It look’s like things a moving along at a bit of a pace.

Well …

At least, moving along at a rate of knot’s on the parking front.

Well …

Moving along at a rate of knots, on the parking front, in the regards to the planning application that Taylor-Wimpey have put in.

I’m just glad I’m in an area that’s got the hard working Councillor Chilvers as it’s local councillor.

Because I’d’ve not found out a few things.

For starters, that Taylor-Wimpey have put that application in, in the first place.

That us residents have until the 14th of July of this year to register objections.

And that we have to register those objections with Barry Fagg, who’s the planning Officer at Brentwood Council responsible for this case.

You can write to him at:

Mr B Fagg,
Planning Department,
Brentwood Borough Council,
Ingrave Road,
CM15 8AY

Or you can email him here.


Now, as you can imagine, I’ve ALREADY put my tuppence ha’penny worth in, by signing Councillor Chilvers’ petition.

And registered my objections with Mr Fagg*.

AND — in a nasty move suggested by Movie Night Adrian, himself — been in touch with Essex County Fire Service, to ask if they’ve done a survey of the area concerned. After all, ambulances have a tough time getting down here. I can’t, for the LIFE of me, see a fire engine getting down here, given how congested the junction of St James Road with Warley Hill is, now.

And — AND!! — obviously did what I alway’s do in this sort of circumstances.

Fire another email to the Brentwood Gazette.

Dear Editor,

I’m writing in response to your article in this weeks Gazette about Dangerous junctions in the Brentwood area. And I’m thinking it’s a screaming waste of council tax payers money to NOT make those two black-spots safer than they are.

But there’s other areas that could do with looking at, I’m thinking.

After all, I live on Rollason Way, which is quiet enough.

But Taylor Wimpey — one of the companies who built flats on the estate that Rollason Way’s part of — has announced plans that they’d like to add more flats in the immediate area.

Fair enough, you mite think.

Until you notice that the proposed 70 flats — with only 40 parking spaces — are on the road that forms the junction with Warley Hill: an area already extremely congested by both commuters parking here, and the overflow from the area’s already inadequate parking.

Given it’s already hard for emergency vehicles to get down here, with the amount of double-parking in on Saint James Road, I’ve got to ask what it’ll be like if the plans go through.

I can’t see a fire engine getting the narrow gap that those thirty cars WON’T leave!


Paul Downie
Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar.

Which, given they’re doing a photo-call outside Brunel House, ’round the corner from me, at 11 O’clock, this Saturday, means they may not publish it.

But I blooming well hope they do!

I’m also very aware of something that Councillor Chilvers said on her site: that, while she’d not mind it being a cross-party issue, she’s mildly worried that it will be.

I’m just hoping the fact that I told Councillor Holmes — Brentwood West’s one Tory councillor— about all this, helps.

Here’s hoping … !


* Just as a point, so you know, Mr Fagg’s email address is

And if you want to get writing to him by snail mail, the address is:

Mr B Fagg,
Planning Department,
Brentwood Borough Council,
Ingrave Road,
CM15 8AY

Get writing!

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