
Wednesday 30 June 2010

Oh, Boy, COVERAGE!!!!!!!!

No, seriously, coverage!!

For the whole messy, messy question of both the planned flats, around the corner from my place.

AND for the knotty question of whether Rollason Way get’s adopted by Brentwood Council: something that’ll (hopefully) help with the vexed question of Rollason Way’s congested Parking …


At any rate, let me summarise, quickly.

As you probably know, Taylor-Wimpey have put in a planning application, to turn the much photograph patch of greenery, at the top end of Saint James Road.

The one in the photograph … ?

The one with all the protestors standing near by … ?

Complete with yours truly, second from the left … ?

The one I sent the letter to the Gazette about, last week … ?

Yeah, THAT patch … !!

Finally, we’ve got the Gazette covering it: although not, as yet, on their website: but I will give ’em credit, they HAVE published the letter.

The article — complete with that there photo — is on p.11 of this week’s Gazette, along with the last letter I sent in, on p.14

And a letter from someone signing themselves as “Worried Resident, Railway Square”, who doesn’t seem that happy about it, either … !!



At any rate, one thing I do know for certain is that ONE of the neighbours — who’s staying unnamed, at their request — DID manage to put a template letter together, so that — if one doesn’t have time — you only have to make minor adjustment’s to, to register your objections with.

Oh, and a big ‘Thanks’ goes to Councillor Chilvers, by the way: she’s managed to highlight the fact that we now have until the 20th July, this year, to register that objection: it seems the Council didn’t send out enough of the relevant consultation forms.

Surprise, surprise … !!

At any rate, here’s that template letter I was talking about.

CM14 xxx

xx July 2010

Mr B Fagg
Planning Department
Brentwood Borough Council
Ingrave Road
Essex CM15 8AY

Dear Mr Fagg

Planning application BRW/384/2010: Proposed 71 Dwellings in St James Road, Brentwood

I wish to raise a formal objection to the above planning application on the following grounds:
  • The St James Road/Rollason Way area is extremely overcrowded
  • There is insufficient parking for the current residents in the area, clamping is already in operation in many areas, and two more blocks of flats are yet to be built/inhabited
  • This could lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area due the volume of people already living here
  • A seven storey building will make the area unpleasant, dark and create a tunnel effect on the street scene in St James Road
  • Residents in Brunel House will suffer from over-looking and lack of light
  • The local infrastructure will suffer if any more people move in to this area.
  • This will take the number of properties built to just under 500, far too many in such a small area.

Thank you for taking my views into consideration. I do hope that this application is refused.

Yours sincerely


Copy and paste it into a Word document, make whatever adjustments you need, print it, and post it to:

Mr B Fagg,
Planning Department,
Brentwood Borough Council,
Ingrave Road,
CM15 8AY

Or email it to him, with this link … !!


Now, while we’re on the subjects of emails, I had something interesting land in my box, today.


I meant in my INBOX … !

Movie Night Adrian’s probably grinning, even as I write that … !!


At any rate, I know I had an interesting email land up in my inbox, today, from a chap called Adrian Tidbury, the (Acting) Highways Manager, at Brentwood Council.

Here’s what he had to say for himself.

Dear Mr Downie

Your email has been forwarded by Barry Fagg, the Interim Head of Planning and Regulation, for my comments on the highway related issues.

I am aware of the on street parking issues you refer to in Rollason Way and I sympathise with the difficulties you're encountering. Rollason Way, at present, is a private road for which the developer, Crest Nicholson, is responsible. However, the developer has commenced the procedure for the road to be adopted as a public highway and it will be adopted subject to the satisfactory completion of the final road surface, speed reduction features and street lighting etc., and following this, once a 12 months maintenance period by the developer has been satisfactorily completed.

Hmmmm …

Nice to know …

But have you noticed that a) Rollason Way only gets adopted after the contractor has put a years worth of maintenance work in? And that b) there’s no actual mention of when this process started, nor how long it will take … ?

Bad form, that.

Needless to say, I’ve sent a reply to Mr Tidbury, pointing this out.

I’ll let you know what he says, when I hear more.

Catch you later … !

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