
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Head’s Up

Yes, a Head’s Up!

And literally a quick one, at that.

After noticing a couple of things on the Technology section of the BBC’s news site.

First off … ?

And one that grabbed me, after switching on the first Safari extension I installed … ?

Was all about how extensions and add-ons for modern-day browsers can — potentially — interfere with the Private Browsing feature.

Not a big worry for me, as Safari’s Private Browsing feature isn’t something I use often, but something to be aware of, I think.


The second … ?

Was the news that a worm aimed at jail-broken iPhones — ones owned by users in the Netherlands, with accounts with Dutch bank, ING and that had SSH (secure shell) installed — that directed them to a fake version of the banks website.

Then stole their details.

I know at least two iPhone users: and I’m willing to bet you know at least one.

And am going to suggest you and I put the word around.

Someone over here will think “THAT’S a good idea,” at some point …


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