
Wednesday 18 August 2010

In fact, I KNOW I’m going to Whinge … !!

Now, I’ve GOT to confess, I’m terrible at checking me post box, I really am.

Which, given my earlier post, would’ve been helpful.

But I do know this much: I’ve checked mine, today, and in amongst the inevitable bills … ?

Was a letter from my land-lords, South Anglia, about the recent vote for which parking scheme we should have.

Whether to adopt something new, and if so, what.

Or whether to keep the current clamping scheme.

And I’ve got to admit, happily — or possibly not — the overwhelming majority of votes went for option 4.

In other words, to retain the wheel clamping scheme, with the Residents permits.

Which is going to cause a row, on the next Resident’s meeting, on the 26th August.

Now, understandably, I’ve written another email: only this time, to Brentwood and Ongar MP, Eric Pickles.

Dear Mr Pickles,

I’m writing in response to the recent announcement that your government is planning to introduce legislation to ban the use of Wheel clamping services on private.

I have to admit, I have something of an interest.

I and my fellow residents of Rollason Way have recently voted to maintain the wheel-clamping scheme introduced last year, in order to make sure that non-residents keep out of the limited car-parks

Understandably, I think I can safely say I and my neighbours will be unhappy if this legislation goes through.

And would probably be happier if, instead of a ban, stricter enforcement were introduced.

I’d like to know what position you will be taking on this.


Not that I think he’ll be voting it down, he is doing well out of the Coalition Government.

I can only hope we manage to hack out something out of the on-coming mess …


Just as a final thought, folks, here’s the figures …



Total Votes (%)


Ticket only Permit Parking



Residents responsible for parking



More Signs



Clamping and ticketing



Council Adoption of Road



Barriers to car parks



Rising Step Barrier.


Oh, and some badly filmed happy dancing …

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