
Saturday 21 August 2010

Just as a Quick Opinion …

And it literally is going to be quick.

At least, I hope so.

There are some posts I never no how long they’re going to go on for, when they start, I really do … !!

A t any rate, something I know I happened to see float past on the BBC News channel, when I was posting up today’s Teaser, was an article about former Liberal Democrat leader, Charles Kennedy.

Whom the Lib-dem leadership have denied is in talks with the Labour party about defecting.

APPARENTLY, Mr Kennedy, himself, isn’t available for comment.

But given his own abstention, when the Coalition deal was put before Liberal Democrat MPs … ?

Well, I’m surprised a story like this hasn’t come up, before now.

And equally surprised that no-one’s mentioned the SDP


At any rate, while we’re on the subject of politics … ?

I’m very aware that the coalition government’s been spreading around the idea of us — the public — suggesting ideas to help them cut government spending.

And can’t help but wonder why I didn’t think to float ’round the relevant sites to see what I could see.

And I’m kicking myself in not putting this one up, myself.

Oy VEH!!!!



  1. he will never do it (defect) yet :) all the liberal being unhappy with the cuts etc, will happen next year!

  2. Don’t forget, <a href="”>Kennedy’s</a> a former SDP member: defecting to Labour would be a natural choice, although you’re right … the timing could be interesting: I think <i>after</i> the Labour leadership election could prove crucial.


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