
Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Mail, The MAIL … !

OK, OK, I’m annoyed.

Or possibly annoyêd: which is like annoyed, but with extra ‘ed’ …


Because the Brentwood Gazette didn’t put in the email I wrote them, last week … ?

You know, I can’t help but wonder if I should maybe send off something to the Brentwood Weekly News

Hmmm …

At any rate, you’ve probably noticed I didn’t get a letter published, in today’s newly released edition of this week’s Brentwood Gazette.

Can’t think why … !

I mean, it’s not like I can’t do topical

But a couple of the letter’s did catch my eye: here’s what I sent them …

Dear Sir,

I writing in response to two letters in this weeks Gazette, both, ultimately, concerned with Brentwood Council’s lack of ability with communications.

Monika Kemp’s letter — about Councillor McKinley’s meeting with residents in Ingatestone — I think highlights this: I attended the recent meeting of the Council’s Planning Committee, to object to the planned — and thankfully refused — flats in Saint James Road.

Being honest … ?

If it hadn’t been for the sterling efforts of Councillor Chilvers in publicising this meeting — and how to object to the plans — I don’t think anyone on my street would’ve known about it. Or how to do anything about it.

We also had the ‘Wall of Silence’ email from an unnamed writer.

Which gives spells out an interesting alternative to the Council’s method of consulting about their planned cuts.

I believe our council has problems. More than some, less than others.

But one thing seems obvious to me, at least: that, while it may, slowly, seem to be coming to grips with new technology — the internet streaming at the Planning Committee meeting is a testament to that — it does seem to be bad at telling us things that we need to know.

So here’s my question: instead of spending money on bad consultations and bloated software, will they instead pay for training courses. To teach councillors how to talk to their voters about important stuff?

There’s only a couple of them that are good at it!

Here’s hoping it gets published: I mean, you can’t not accuse me of not making the effort … !

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