
Sunday 24 October 2010

A Double Bill: ‘Merlin’ Episode 7 and Clint Eastwood‘s ‘Pale Rider’

And I thought yesterday’s post about last night’s episode of Merlin had a lot of tags.

As you might have noticed — by glancing at the bottom of the post — I think I’ver out-done meself, with THIS one.

Possibly …

But then again …

Either way, I know that — what with a new job starting in the morning, a CV to add to, and wondering whether to buy a new printer — I’ve not given enough attention to what you’re reading now.

Hopefully, that’s something I can rectify.

At least for now.

By telling you about last night’s Movie Night.

Which, I have to say, was one of the quieter ones I’ve hosted: just me, Movie Night Adrian and Kevin D.

But complete with something Kevin had brought along that both he and Adrian had seen, didn’t mind seeing again, and both thought I’d like.

They were right.

The Clint Eastwood directed/produced 1985 film, Pale Rider.

And considering he appeared in it, as well … ?

I’m just surprised he didn’t write the script, record the music, and set up the fake bullets.

Oh, and train the horses to fall over on cue, but you can’t do everything, can you … ?


I’m in burble territory, aren’t I … ?

I am …

Let me move on, then …

Pale Rider sees Eastwood playing the mysterious and unnamed Preacher, who turns up at a small town just in time to help one of the locals — Hull, Michæl Moriarty — being assaulted by a gang of thugs.

Thugs whose boss — LaHood, Richard Dysart — is seriously keen to buy the land that Hull and his friends and family are peacefully mining, and have been for many years.


Now, here’s the question you’ve possibly noticed I’ve not answered as yet.

Did I enjoy the film … ?

Actually, yes, I did.

Now, I’ll happily admit to not being a Western fan.

Actually, that’s not strictly accurate.

It’s not that I’m a non-fan, it’s just that — generally — they’ve not been the first thing to catch me eye on the shelves of Blockbusters, or the walls of the local cinema.

So it’s a lack of interest, more than anything else.

So seeing Pale Rider … ?

Was a new experience for me.

And quite enjoyable, too.

Even down to the discussion, afterwards, about one key feature of the film.

The nicely handled ambiguity over whether the Preacher is actually dead, or not.

Now, I know that Clint Eastwood has said in one or interviews that the Preacher is a ghost.

But I’m also very aware that the way Pale Rider is structured, I can’t swear that the character is either a ghost, or someone who — contrary to what their sworn enemy, the corrupt Marshal Stockburn, played by John Russell believes — has miraculously survived something that should have killed him.

Which is personally the way I prefer it, but that’s just me.

But if nothing else … ?

But I’ll leave you with one thought, about it: I’d suggest you see it.

Ambiguous or overwise, Pale Rider is definitely entertaining.


Which reminds me, the other thing I say, last night … ?

Was, of course, last night’s episode of Merlin: episode 7, The Castle Of Fyrien.

I’m just sorry I couldn’t be as thorough as I wanted with that post: nonetheless, granted that The Castle Of Fyrien is a variation on the ol’ Harebrained Rescue idea, it was a nicely done one, I thought.

What I will do … ?

Is refer you to the BBC’s iPlayer, and recommend you watch it, for yourself: or, at least, catch one of the repeats.

I know that — while friends have told me they’re not keen — I know I’m enjoying it.

And that … ?

Is where I’ll leave tonight’s post: but will leave you with a couple of trailers …

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