
Saturday 6 November 2010

An Afternoon Off, At The Station …

Hmmm …

Interesting way to spend an afternoon off …

I’ve got to admit, I bumped into Bill, this morning, on the way back from work: that’s him, in the bottom photo.

He’s the chap that runs Vega Hairdressing, just around the corner from my place, and what he told me interested me.

Seemingly, the local railway station is planning to do some upgrading.

But not planning to install lifts for those who are disabled or pushing prams: something that strikes me as difficult to do, but certainly worth making a point about.

He’d dragged Councillor Louise McKinlay along, as well.

Who — considering she’s the Council leader — got a bit of an ear-bending from your’s truly, about the council’s use — or non-use, I should say — about open source operating systemsª.


Which reminds me, I’ve still got to talk to Councillor Chilvers* about possibly putting Ubuntu onto her PC …


At any rate, we managed to get a few signatures on the petition we were waving: including from my old boss, Will, over in the local off-license.

Whether it has any effect?

I guess we’ll find out at some point.


At any rate, one last thing … ?

I’ve got to admit, I managed to pick up this week’s Gazette: their front page had this on it.

So I sent them a letter …
Dear Sir,

I’m writing to you after reading your front page article about the unknown man found dead in Rayleigh Road, this week, and I think — think — I know what may have happened.

I could be wrong, but …

I can remember reading — three or four years — about a local man who’d died after heading home drunk one night, falling into a ditch — in the Rayleigh Road area — and drowning in the inch or so of water at the bottom of the ditch he was in.

And believe something similar’s happened to this unknown chap.

Now, I’ve down a lot of bar-work, over the years.

I’ve served — and refused to serve — people who’ve been been as drunk as lords.

Most of whom have got home safely.

But I’ve also wondered if that chap that drowned in a ditch in Alexander Lane was someone I’d served. And can’t help but wonder, now, if a member of staff in should likewise be wondering if this recent death …

Was of someone they’d served.
I wonder if they’ll publish …

* Who I phoned earlier, to let her know what was going on.
ª Ubuntu, in particular …

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