
Saturday 27 November 2010

Merlin: Episode 12, The Coming of Arthur — Part 1


You know, I think I’m …

Whoah, now hang on, just a second, and think, here, shall we, Paul … ?

You’ve probably read quite a bit of my posts, by now, haven’t you?

So me telling you that I’m impressed by … impressed by something … ?

Is going to be about par for the course, isn’t it … ?

Even if it’s not strictly accurate.

Now, if you haven’t read the title’s post … ?

I’m talking about the twelve episode — the penultimate episode — of series three of Merlin: The Coming Of Arthur — Part 1 … … … …

Couldn’t see that one coming, could we … ?

And I’ll happily admit, I’m impressed …

In part …

Tonight’s episode … ?

The Coming Of Arthur — Part 1 starts fairly innocently, with one of Camelot’s patrols attacked and killed on the borders between Camelot and Cenred’s realm.

And it’s leader, Sir Leon being helped by nearby druids: who bring him back to life with the help of something called ‘The Cup of Life’, last seen being wielded by Nimueh (Michelle Ryan) way back in series 1.


I’ve got to admit, I’d completely forgotten bout that.

But, of course, given that Merlin is the 21st century take on the stories of Arthur, its version of the Grail was going to make an appearance — or re-appearance, I should say —at some point.


Where was I … ?

Cup of Life , yeah … !

The now healed Leon reports back to Camelot: complete with details of how he was healed. Including the fact that the druids had used the Cup of Life.

Uther, Gaius — and Merlin — know of both the cup, it’s abilities and about how it can be misused.

By the likes of … oooh … an evil warlord, looking to take over Camelot.

So sends Bradley James’ Arthur — along with Merlin, played by Colin Morgan, and joined by Gwaine, played by Eion Macken — out to find the Cup, before it falls into the wrong hands.


You know, it’s really a shame Cenred — played by Tom Ellis — gets treacherously betrayed and killed by one of his own — now immortal — troops, at the behest of Morgause, played by Emilia Fox.

Thought he had a lot of potential as a long term villain, that chap …

Cie la Vie …


Now, my first urge, here … ?

Is too try and be polite, and try not to spoil things, too much.

But to hell with it … !

I have put the word Spoilers at the top of the page for a reason … !

Now, I’ll happily admit that with the rebooted Dr Who, I’ve generally felt the the penultimate episodes are generally stronger the the season climax: with the possibly exception of the Matt Smith, Karen Gillane, Stephen Moffat season five climax: I thought both were quite strong.

Part one of The Coming Of Arthur, though … ?

Isn’t the strongest episode, I believe: but is a nice way to start the season finale.

And, as a big climax … ?

Has a very powerful show and tell as it’s closing scene …

Enjoy the episode, when you see it, folks …

Let me know what you think of it.

And as a final thought … ?

Get ready for next week: I’m hoping this particular two-parter may improve …

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