
Thursday 25 November 2010

Only Connect …

Did I ever tell you, I had a quiz show get in touch with me, a long time ago … ?

Literally …

I had an email from the producers of the BBC 4 quiz show, Only Connect, inviting me — and anyone else — to take part.

Or, at least forward it on to people.

I’m blowed if I can remember, now, but — as I recall — one of those people I forwarded it to … ?

Was Dr Paul.

Who did rather well …

At any rate … ?

The producers of the show have been in touch, again, looking for more contestants, for Series Five.

So, while I might not be able to do it — indeed, haven’t made my mind up about trying — I thought I’d pass on the relevant details to you.

With that in mind, I’ve posted up a copy of the flyer they sent me.

And tell you to email the production company, here

By mid-January of 2011.

Good luck …

1 comment:

  1. Paul

    There is an online version of round 3 the connecting wall. hers is the link.

    It can be very hard. Good quiz but very difficult



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