
Friday 3 December 2010

Definitions, Developers, and the Gazette …

Phew … !

Now, I’ve got to admit, it’s getting comparatively late.

Or, at least late for me.

I was up at six, after all, putting up today’s teaser.

And have to admit that I’m mildly impressed with something Kaiju was telling us, about UC Berkely.

But that’s going slightly sideways …

Do you remember me telling you about the letter I sent to the Gazette, last week … ?

You don’t … ?

Here’s the post, just in case you’ve not read it …

And happily, it’s been published!

But, at any rate, I’ve sent them another, after reading this

Here …
Dear Sir,

I’m writing after reading an article or two in this weeks Gazette.

With a certain amount of unsurprised disbelief, I should add

I’d like to point out that your use of the word ‘hacker’ is one that most of the hackers I’ve met over the years would find insulting. Most of them — from serious computer scientists and engineers like Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created the World Wide Web, to Steve Wozniak, the creator of the Apple 1 and 2 computers, the world’s first popular home computer — are people with a deep knowledge of computers and define themselves as people who wish to improve computer technology: software, hardware, networking, security or whatever else.

And not as the sort of childish vandals who’d pull off the sort of damage you describe being done to Mr West’s site.

Surely, as journalists, the Gazette’s staff should be aware of language.

Aware of it …

And how easily us lay folk can be mislead by its sloppy use.

On top of that … ?

I’ve also got to admit, I’m not surprised that Bellway have started making a mess of the old hospital site and the Ongar Road area.

After all, developers rushing in where planners fear to tread … ?

Is what made a mess of the street where I live. Along with the three-quarters of a parking space I have …
Here’s hoping that get’s published …

Now, here’s a song …

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